Translate this page

Using Reachdeck on mobile, desktop or a tablet

If you need to change the language on our website, select the following icon which is displayed in the bottom right corner of the page:

Reachdeck icon

This will open Reachdeck, our translation and accessibility tool, which displays a list of 99 languages for you to choose from.

To translate the page, click the translate button.

Translate icon

Choose the language you want to translate the page into from the dropdown menu.

Language dropdown

Some languages will also show the ‘text to speech' symbol. If the following symbol is displayed, this means that Reachdeck can read this page aloud in this language.

Text to speech icon

The page will translate, you can now browse in your chosen language and exit the translation dropdown by selecting the X button. 

Reachdeck's other tools

Reachdeck does not work on some payment screens.

Translation from your browser

Most browsers will allow you to translate websites automatically:

Translate with Chrome


Translate with Edge


Translate with Safari


Translate with Firefox